Vinastab DSP


Alkaline stabilizer for peroxide bleaching


Chemical character


Ionic character

pH-value of a 10 % solution

Specific weight
at 20°C


Organic chelate forming compounds based on
hydroxycarboxylic acids

Clear, yellowish liquid


3.0 – 4.0

1.14 (Approx. )

VINASTAB DSP is stable to concentrations of chemicals
usually applied for peroxide bleaching.
The product is not sensitive to frost.


VINASTAB DSP can be mixed with cold and warm water at any ratio.


VINASTAB DSP is a non-surface active stabilizer for the alkaline peroxide bleach.
The product gives non-foaming bleaching liquors and can be applied for bleaching
procedures with and without silicate of soda.
VINASTAB DSPhas excellent peroxide stabilizing properties, also in the presence
of catalytic heavy metals such as iron. Furthermore the product has an excellent
dispersing and sequestering capacity and prevents the formation of inorganic and
organic alkaline earth precipitations in the treatment baths, heat exchangers and
on the fabric.
VINASTAB DSP is suitable for discontinuous and continuous bleaching procedures
such as pad-steam-processes and immersion bleaching processes.
Another special application of VINASTAB DSPis on continuous pretreatment plants
when recipes without silicate are used.
VINASTAB DSP allows for excellent peroxide stability especially on fabric without
hardness and ensures a very high DP level by best efficiency of the peroxide.Then the
Peroxide cold bleach on grey fabric (starch sized fabric)


5.0 – 10 g / l VINASTAB DSP
0.0 – 02 g / l VINAQUEST CEP
3.0 – 06 g / l VINAPOL GRN / NSD
0.0 – 10 ml / l Silicate of soda 38Be
6.0 – 50 ml / l NaOH 48Be
5.0 – 60 ml / l Peroxide 50%
0.0 – 06 g / l VINAWASH WOD
Liquor pick-up: 80 – 100 %
Impreg. Temp.: 20 – 30°C

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